1894  - February 22 - Birth of VICTOR BRECHERET in São Paulo.


1916  - Presents the sculpture Awakening at the "Amatori e Cultori" exhibition, first prize at the Fine Arts Exhibition in Rome.


1920 - Presents the Maquete the Monument às Bandeiras at the  "Byington's House", among with other competitors. Among other artists, presents the Maquete of the Monument aos Andradas in the city of Santos State of São Paulo.


1921  - Presents the sculpture Eve on April 24 at the"Byington's house". São Paulo City Hall acquires the sculpture.Wins a scholarschip in Paris. Exhibits works of art at the "Salon d'Automne" in Paris.

1922  - During the "Modern Art Week", his Works of art are exhibited in the Foyer of the Municipal Theatre.

1923  - Participates in the "Salon d'Automne", winning a prize with Mise au Tombeau (Burial).


1924  - Exhibits the Porteuse de Parfums (Bearer of Perfumes) at the "Salon d'Automne" in Paris.

1925  - Participates in the "Salon de la Societe des Artistes Français - Section de Sculpture et Gravure sur Pierre", Paris. Honorable Mention Presentes the sculpture Danseuse (Dancer) at the "Salon d'Automne". Participates in the international exhibition in Rome.


1926  - Participates in the "Salon d'Automne".  First individual exhibition in São Paulo.       Peintres et Sculpteurs de L'Ecole de Paris, à "la Renaiscence", from  july 19 to October 15.

1929  - Exhibits the sculptures  Aprés  le Bain  (After the Bath) and  Fuit on Egypte (Escape to  Egypte) at the "Salon des Indépendents".

1932  - Founding partner of the Pro Modern Art Society.